Showing posts with label Amazing Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing Facts. Show all posts

Monday, 7 September 2015

10 Weird Bucket List Foods To Try

Fried Guinea Pig – Peru

Guinea Pig, or Cuy as they are known in South America is considered a delicacy and is quite often deep fried and served on a stick although can also be roast and presented on a plate surrounded by vegetables with a tomato in its mouth, in similar fashion to a suckling pig roast. It is an involving dish which can be eaten with the hands and this dish provides 50% of the animal protein consumed in Peru.

Tuna Eyes – Japan

It is common in Japan for Chefs to serve Bluefin Tuna eyes, fried with garlic and soy sauce. The eye is very meaty and the lens of the eye goes crunchy when cooked. There are no benefits of eating the eye other than it’s normal protein content which the rest of the fish is famous for. The dish is extremely common place in Japan and Tuna eyes are sold in most supermarkets.

Witchetty Grubs – Australia

You’ve seen them on “I’m a Celebrity” during one of the Jungle Challenges..these fat critters are eaten raw and alive and squirming by biting the head off, which is then discarded and eating the still twitching body! they are supposed to taste like scrambled eggs…which makes a change from chicken!

Deep Fried Worms – Mexico
 Mexican have been eating worms and insects for years and the practice is so common that they are now found on the menu’s of high quality restaurants. they are normally served deep fried with guacamole and have a meaty taste.
Kopi Luwak Coffee Beans – Indonesia
 Whilst this may sound a little strange, once the  Asian Plam Civet (a cat like creature) has eaten and then excreted the coffee beans, they are coveted by coffee experts around the world. A civet eats the berries for their flesh and in their digestive system, the civets’ proteolytic enzymes soak into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. All of this really doesn’t mean much and although they don’t taste much different to your favorite grind, they still sell for £600kg at Harrods!

Snake Wine – Vietnam
 This is quite simply Vietnamese rice wine or grain alcohol infused with a dead snake! The drink dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty and is part of traditional medicine used to reinvigorate a person who has been ill. Whilst the ethanol in the alcohol destroys the snakes venom, the drink is said to contain the essence of the snake and is widely thought to cure everything from farsightedness to hair loss as well as improving sexual performance!
Sannakji – Live Octopus- Korea

 This traditional Korean dish is a type of “hoe” or raw dish and is made from small live octopus or Nakji that are usually cut into small pieces and served immediately afterwards in a light sesame oil. The pieces are usually still moving when eaten and it can also be served as a live, whole baby octopus. As the suction cups in the tentacles are still active when eaten, consuming the dish can be dangerous as it can get stuck in the throat and be a choking hazard.

Donkey Penis – China

 Eating animal penis is common in much of Asia and in some regions is considered to be a delicacy. Unlike tiger penis which is considered to have reinvigorating properties as well as the somewhat predictable libido enhancements, Donkey penis is considered to be very good for the skin and have anti aging properties. It is said to be tough in texture but have a strong taste.
Raw Blood Soup – Vietnam

Tiet canh, or raw blood soup is a dish made of cooked meat and raw blood and is popular in Northern Vietnam, where the preferred combination is duck meat and blood. The fresh blood is drawn into a bowl and prevented from coagulating by mixing it with fish stock. The meat is added to the blood which has been cooled in the fridge along with chopped herbs and quite often peanuts.

Snake Blood – Thailand

Drinking raw snakes blood and consuming it’s heart is said to enhance virility. The irony to this is that this practice is no longer a part of Vietnamese culture and has in fact been kept alive for the tourist trade. Tourists can stay in hotels who provide live snakes with venom sacks removed, for the tourist to kill, gut, and drink the blood which is drained into a small glass.